About Exhibition
"Chaos theory" explores behaviors in dynamic systems that are explained by data relationships, such as global weather forecasts. In another example, if we can calculate all the variables, such as gravity, wind, and friction, we will find that leaves do not fall from trees in random trajectories. Current society, which is co-constructed with technology, is often described as "chaotic". As such, Lien-
cheng Wang attempts to capture the key variables of the "machine-mediated society" - power and will.
Technology is like black magic in terms of aiding the progress of human civilization. The development of high-speed computing, big data, and artificial intelligence (Al) has brought about increases in the frequency and unpredictability of social change. Meanwhile, tech giants have greatly profited from algorithms based on human nature. Humans and machines have become highly intertwined, leading to expansion of the "boundaries of chaos". In Beyond Chaos, the artist presents five automated installations related to the interactions, learning, and expansion of boundaries between humans and technology.
Lien-cheng Wang has a background in information engineering. He uses the theatrics of new media works to penetrate the chaotic boundaries between people and technology. Illusion and conviction, awareness and behavior, and virtual and real are not independent concepts. This reminds us that we must be consistent in our thinking and responsibility when it comes to enjoying
everyday conveniences.
i 序 foreword
01 藝術家&展覽簡介 About Artist & Exhibition
10 地平線-海洋、球形·太陽、垂直線森林 Horizon-Sea, Sphere-Sun Vertical-Forest
20 工蜂 Worker Bees
26人造瀑布 Artificial Waterfall
34 召喚者們 Summoners
42 均等計畫 Equality Plan
48 從「混沌邊界看科技神話體系的建構與王連晟的批判意識
On the Construction of a Technological Mythology System and Lien-Cheng Wang's Critical Consciousness from the Perspective of Beyond Chaos
70 當代社的機器構作:王連晟「混沌邊界」一覽
The Machine Constructs of Contemporary Society: Overview of Lien cheng Wang's Solo Exhibition Beyond Chaos
ISBN: 9786267144008
Publish: 2022-04
Author: Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Artist: Lien-cheng Wang
Publisher: Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Language: Chinese.English
Cover: Hardcover
Page: 96
Size: 20 x 14.8 cm