002 - Chief Editor's Note Observers of Alternative Documentary : From Cultural Translation to Auto-ethnographical Images
Theme The Feeling Structure of Contemporary Image: Frame, Arrangement and Seriality
009 - Time after time:On the Art of Chang Chao Tang | Chihiro Minato
019 - In/Re News/Journalism: Contemporary Photography and Journalism in today's China | Gu Zheng
037 - 身体のユートピアを求めて:1960年代日本のパフォーマンス写真家たち / 黒ダライ児
061 - The Pleasure of Photography: Amateur Photographic Societies in Taiwan during the 1950s and 1960s | Chen Hsueh-sheng
077 - A Critical Examination of Taiwanese Documentaries: Chang Chao-tang’s Alternative Documentaries in the 1970s | Sing Song-yong
105 - From Direct Photography to “Non-Image” Writing: In Light of Chang Chao-Tang's Image Aesthetics and “Notes on Non-Image” | Wang Sheng hung
131 - The Statue As an Observer:Reflections on the Visibility and Mystery of Chang Chaotang's Photography | Wang Ya-lun
167 - Appendix1 Brief Introduction of Journal of Taipei Fine Arts Museum
168 - Appendix2 Call for Contributions
ISSN: 1560-4713
Publish: 2014-05
Chief Editor: Gong Jow-Jiun
Publisher: Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Cover: Paperback
Page: 172
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