Daniel Lee: “Abandoning, trying something else and, if necessary, rebelling!” On the artist’s drive to challenge himself, a style is only an outer garment, an external surface. For fear that the surface will cover up the inner essence of the artwork, he removes the outer garment so as to pursue the inner dimensions. An insistence challenging himself has long been the unshakeable cornerstone of Lee’s creative life.
“Looking glass” is a retrospective of Lee’s artwork from 1980 to 2015. The book collects 16 representative series in reverse chronological order, including 180 works of photography, installations, projection mapping, digital prints, and 3D prints. Lee as a savvy creator of image with dexterous skill in modern technology is remarkable and astonishing. Though the imagery he tries to convey is amusing, shocking and at times disturbing, yet they resonate with belief and doubts we all shared as a human being.
Source: Taipei Fine Arts Museum.《Looking Glass, Daniel Lee Retrospective》
005 Foreword
2016-1993 013 - On a Journey of 100 miles, 90 Miles Is Only Halfway There On Daniel Lee's Drive to Challenge Himself │ C. J. Yen 020 - NEXT 032 - Circus 046 - Dreams 060 - Jungle 076 - Harvest 100 - Nightlife 116 - Origin 122 - Self-Portrait 126 - 108 wINDOWS 132 - Judgment 144 - Manimals
2003-1965 169 - Before the Hybridity - A Brief Survey of Daniel Lee's Early Works │ Chong-ray Hsiao 182 - Homeless 192 - Color of the 3rd Kind 206 - Image of China 218 - B&W Portraits 232 - Student Period 247 - Daniel Lee's One Thousand and One Nights of Man and Beast │ Xiao-tong Sun
255 - Archive│Gallery 277 - Appendix 278 - Timeline 283 - Exhibitions 284 - Collections 286 - Selected Bibliography 288 - Index of Works 295 - Acknowlegements
ISBN: 9789860496123 Publish: 2016-08 Author: Taipei Fine Arts Museum Artist: Daniel Lee Publisher: Taipei Fine Arts Museum Language:Chinese.English Cover: Hardcover Page: 295 Size: 30.6 x 23.2 x 3.3 cm
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